The Menu Chaining

Menu chaining is an option in the item master. It enables you to add the items contained in the stock list as individual items to the booked item. So any group of items is additionally

was booked. The original recipe item is booked with its description and price. The items from the list are automatically booked as info items (without price and other individual information). You activate the option Menu Chaining in the stock lists of the item master

Example of the use of menu chaining...

On Christmas they offer a special menu for a fixed sales price, the guest can choose between 3 items per course (starter, main course, dessert). The aim is to maintain the price and communicate the order to the kitchen.

Create menu concatenation

  1. Create "main item" with fixed price as recipe
  2. Define order group (for the menu movements)
  3. Under Components / Queries, activate the option Menu Chaining
  4. Create a recipe for each menu course (e.g. starter, main course, dessert), these recipes must be saleable and suitable for use as ingredients.
  5. Insert the recipes under the main item as a query and without the check mark Selection
  6. Select menu path per query


Create queries...

  1. All courts that are queried should be created as base items that can be used as ingredients
  2. For each aisle the basic items are inserted with the check mark Selection (just like a normal query item)
  3. Check the saleability of the recipe

Display at POS

When booking the main item at the cash register, the selection of individual dishes is now requested for each course. A correctly set up menu chaining looks like this on the Hypersoft POS in the task list:

Special features of the menu concatenations

With menu chaining, there are a number of things to pay special attention to that do not immediately stand out as limiting.

  • If the items are involved in queries, the possible price changes are applied. Unlike usual, the item cannot be printed together with the changing item on forms. The different receipt orders and other options are also not supported here.
  • Queries of the contained items, however, are supported, i.e. their receipt orders and function numbers are also used, but not the price changes of these queries.
  • Please note that first the queries of the item set up as menu chaining are dealt with and only then the queries of the contained items. Depending on how extensive your item is set up for menu chaining, it may therefore be necessary to adapt the queries in such a way that the operator can see their affiliation to the querying item.
  • It should also be noted that the queries of the items involved behave differently than if the items were booked individually, because the price changes are not applied in a menu chain. In special cases it can be helpful to create certain items twice, once for the menu concatenation and once outside of it and use them accordingly.
  • Only for the option Menu concatenation the possibility is given to specify the menu in the table (with other functions this information is not evaluated). The booked items are thus automatically assigned within one or more menu menus.

All items in the inventory list lose their special attributes such as:

  • discount settings
  • Restrictions on times for sale
  • Free price (the item has no price)

At the POS, it is best to use the function: Menu Gear Enable , menu

Menu chains are only supported at the Hypersoft POS.

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